HOTSPOT: Introduction (NSFW)






DISCLAIMER: All models are theoretically over 18 years of age, but this cannot be confirmed due to lack of birth certificates, passports or any other form of identification or age verification. All we know is that they were, in the main, conceived in China.  The publishers had considered slicing through a leg to count the rings, but the actresses refused as it would be somewhat painful for them and highly likely to effect their future careers as photographic models.

By accessing this publication, male viewers agree that your balls have dropped, and that your voice is significantly deeper than it used to be for at least five years.

Female viewers agree to have had substantial boobs for at least eight years.  We apologise for discriminating against full grown adults with small boobs, but that is one way that UK Border Force determines perceived age when assessing imports, so we follow the same delusional and inflexible attitude of the authorities merely out of convenience without any agreement in their employed methods.

If you are easily offended, please click HERE, otherwise, click HERE to turn the first page.

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